Advisers' Sustainability Group logo
ASG Survey 1

Request for Feedback

Requesting your early opinions and suggestions
The FCA has set up an industry led working group to consider how best to support financial services intermediaries in their sustainable investment related activities. The terms of reference of the group, and additional information, is published here. The 'Advisers' Sustainability Group' is now working through how best to approach this and is currently focused on four main areas:
  • sustainability issues
  • regulation
  • good practice
  • training


We are keen to hear your views on the issues we should consider, how we should approach them, what good looks like - and any other suggestions.

Sustainability Issues

Regulatory Considerations

Good Practice


Thank you for your time.

Please add any further comments in the box below, or if you would like to get in touch please do so via the following email address:


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